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Resource Database of Artists and Craftsmen

As part of our interest in honoring the Artists & Craftsmen who have created the pieces we offer in our Auction each year, we offer the biography index below for your reference. It is the intention of High Noon to provide accurate and reliable information for personal reference use only. While we strive to keep the information contained in this section updated and complete, High Noon is not responsible for errors, omissions or inaccuracies that may be contained herein. High Noon welcomes updated information from our users to review and incorporate into this section. If you have any additions or corrections to any of the biographies available on this page, or would like to submit a new biography, please contact High Noon at

gun divider

Click on a name below to read biography for that company or person:

Biographies of Companies


AA Van Voorhies & Co
Alfred Cornish Saddlery
All Western Saddle Company
Allison Saddlery
Arizona Saddlery
August W Brill


Bayers Company
Blake Miller
Blanchard Spurs
Bohlin Company
Bohmer and Son
Bona Allen
Broken Heart
Brown Kahle Saddlery
Bruce Lovins Western Saddle Shop
Brydon Brothers


Cambell Bits & Spurs
Candelas Guitars
Canon City Prison
Canon City Prison - Carl Erickson
Canon City Prison -#9647
Charles P Shipley Saddlery and Mercantile Co of Kansas City
Charles Sample
Chief of Oglala Sioux Tribe
Clark Feed and Western Store
Clark Saddlery Company
Clint Orms Engravers & Silversmiths
Coard Bros
Cody Saddle Shop
Connolly Saddlery
Cross Bros Saddlery


Denver Saddlery Company
Diablo Manf Co
Don Ellis Silversmith


Eagle Editions - Jerry Crandall
Eagle Editions - Judy Crandall
Eddy Hulbert
EL Gallatin & Company
El Gato


Faust Saddlery
Field Brothers
Foy Brothers
Frank A Meanea Saddlery
Frankie Paul Saddlery
Fred M Stern
Fred Mueller Saddle & Harness Co


G S Garcia
George Lawrence Co
Gillmore Saddlery
Goldberg & Staunton Saddlery
Great West Saddlery Co


Hamley Company
Harpham Brothers
(Harry) Rowell Saddle Co
Herman H Heiser Saddlery
Hill and Bidelman
Hogan and Speddy
Hollywood Saddlery
Holtz Saddle Company
Huntsville Prison


J & R Lawless Bros Saddles and Harness
J F Echavarria
J R McChesney
J S Collins
J.G. Read Brothers Saddlery
Jeremiah Watt Saddlery
Joe Bianchi
John C Kingsley and ET Rees
John Clark and Son


Kelly Brothers
Keyston Brothers
King Ranch


L & M Spurs
L D Stone & Co
Laramie Prison
Lichtenberger & Ferguson
Los Rancheros Visitadores


M.B. Staunton Company
Main and Winchester
McCabe Silversmiths
Messing & Son
Miles City Saddlery
Miller Bit & Spur
Moran Bros
Murray Studios
Myron Beck Photoraphy


N (Newton) Porter Saddlery
Nathan Turk Tailor
Nelson & Post
Nelson Silva Company
Nocona Boot Company
North & Judd
Nudie’s Rodeo Tailors


Olsen Nolte
Oscar Crockett
Otto F Ernst
Out West Saddlery


Parker & Kelly Bros
Phillips & Gutierrez
Portland Saddlery
Prosser Martin


Qualey Bros


R T Frazier
Raphael Villa
Read Bros
RJ Andrew


S C Gallup
S Loomis Saddlery
San Fernando Saddlery
Shoshone Furniture Company
Soulages Mfg Co
Stone & Hayden
Sunset Trails


Tecolote Ranch
Ted Flowers
Tenison Bros Saddlery
The Laramie Grocery Company
The Wyoming Furniture Co
Tony Lama Boot Co


Valley Ranch
Victor Alexander Co
Victor Ario Saddlery Co
Visalia Stock Saddle Co


W Davis and Son
Washington State Penitentiary
Wesley William Wimmer
Westengard and Lind
Western Saddle Manufacturing
Will & Finck
William “Bill” Wimmer
Williams Saddlery

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Biographies of Individuals


William Acheff
Jack E. Achttien
Charles Partridge Adams
Peter Adams
Bill Adamson
Jay Adcock
Cyrus Afsary
Paulino Aguilar
Dave Alderson
Rex Allen
Terry Alward
Robert Amick
Roy Andersen
Andy Anderson
Ray Anderson
R J Andrew
Bill Anton
Curtis Arfsary
Joe Anna Arnett
Clyde Aspevig
Tracy Wright Avant


FO Baird
Wayne Baize
Suzanne Baker
Gerald Balciar
Tony Baratono
William Harold (Bill) Barber
Obed Barnard
James Oscar Bass
Tyler Beard
Frederick William Becker
Greg Beecham
Joe Beeler
Noah Beery Jr
Charles Beil
Charles Josiah Belden
Bob Boze Bell
Bill Bender
Albert Bierstadt
Franz Arthur Bischoff
GA Bischoff
Lorence Bjorklund
George Blackwood
Buckeye Blake
Cecil Blasingame
Ron Bliss
Brian Blood
Christopher Blossom
Dan Bodelson
Joseph Stephen Bohlier
Bob Boomer
WR Boone
Edward Borein
James Boren
Nancy Boren
Solon H. Borglum
William Boyd (Hopalong Cassidy)
Frank Bradney
George Kennedy Brandriff
Frank J Breganzer
Harry Brennan
Bob Brown
Harley Brown
Tom Browning
Ross Brunk
Louis Bryant
Conrad Buff
Kenneth Bunn
Ned Buntline
E A (Elbridge Ayer) Burbank
Kevin Burns
John Coleman Burroughs
Braidie Butters
Randy Butters
John Buxton


Shawn Cameron
Alfredo Campos
Harry Carey
George Carlson
Ken Carlson
Leo Carrillo
John Carroll
Kit Carson
Gary Carter
N. Charles Castillo
Jerry Cates
Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey
C E Chambers
Wes Chapman
Arturo Chavez
Frank Cheatle
Clifton Roy Cheek
Bruce Cheever
Tim Cherry
Len Chmiel
William (Bill) Churchill
Samantha Cisco
Benton Clark
Matt Clark
Roger Clark
James Henry Red Cloud
John Clymer
Buffalo Bill Cody
Iron Eyes Cody
Frank H. Coenen
Michael Coleman
Nicholas Coleman
John Coleman, CAA
Charles Collins
Robert Collis
James Colt
Beau Compton
John Burke Congle
Jay Contway
Carole Cooke
A D M Cooper
Thomas Judge “Tex” Cooper
Ryan Cope
Eanger Irving Couse
John Cox
Tim Cox
Rex Crawford
Will Crawford
Patrick J Cronin
Ron Crooks
Henry H. Cross
Dan Crowley
Don Crowley
John W Cullen
Francis (Frank) Earl Curran
Edward Curtis


Mark Dahl
Cyrus Edwin Dallin
Fred Darge
Whitney Darrow
William Davis
Joe De Yong
Thomas deDecker
Guy Deel
Shane Deeter
Robert DeLeon
Bob Dellis
Edwin Willard Deming
John DeMott
Steve Devenyns
Joe DeYong
Maynard Dixon
Don Dodge
Dennis Doheny
Mikel Donahue
Mildred Douglas
John Duillo
John Sanderson duMont
Ralph Burdett Dunbar
RB Dunbar
Robert Duvall
Paul Dyck
Charlie Dye
Clarkson Dye


Wyatt Earp
Don Easton
Patty Eckman
Nick Eggenhofer
Josh Elliott
Teresa Elliott
Clarence Ellsworth
Robert Farrington Elwell
John C Ennis
Loren Entz
Jim Eskew Jr
Arne Esp
Felix Espanosa
Albert Espinosa
Juan Estrada
Tony Eubanks


Berger Fagenstrom
Melanie Fain
Dustin Farnum
John Fawcett
Carrie Fell
Deborah Copenhaver Fellows
Fred Fellows
Tom Ferguson
Carlos Figueroa
Jose Figueroa
Nicholas Firfires
Dee Flagg
Dick Foran
James M. Forbes
RF Ford
Cliff Fragua
Alyce Frank
Luke Frazier
Phillip Fredholm
Lefty Frizzell


Jerry Galloway
Les Garcia
Tammy Garcia
Thomas “Snuff” Garrett
Hoot Gibson
Louis Glanzman
Michael Godfrey
Walter (Walt) Goldsmith
Bill Gollings
Greg Gomersall
Marco Antonio (Tony) Gomez
Glenna Goodacre
Tillman “Till” Goodan
Veryl Goodnight
Philip Goodwin
Lisa M Gordon
Ralph Graham
Joe Ruiz Grandee
Supaya Gray Wolf
Bruce R Greene
Richard Greeves
Martin Grelle
Zane Grey
Ken Griffin
Wes Griffin
Robert Griffing
Edward T. Grigware
Tommy Grimes
Paul Grimm
Red Grooms
James Gruzalski
Raphael (Filo) Gutierrez


Gary Hakes
David Halbach
Monte Hale
Katherine Haley
R.M. “Bob” Hall
George Hallmark
John Wade Hampton
Mario Hanel
Herman W. Hansen
Ann Hanson
Carl Hantman
W.C. Hape
Scott Hardy
Fred Harman
Alexander Harmer
Neal Hart
William S. Hart
Heinie Hartwig
G (Gerald Harvey Jones) Harvey
Earle Erik Heikka
Alfred Heimer
Hermann H. Heiser
Leland Hensley
Herbert Herget
Alsalio Herrera
Paul Herzel
Stephen Hicks
(John) Henry (Hy) Hintermeister
Jess Hodge
Frank B Hoffman
Christian Hofstetter
Karin Hollebeke
Tim Holt
Bill Homer
Donna Howell-Sickles
Manuel Huerta
Laton - L A Huffman
Art Hugenberger
Matt Humphrey
Matthew Humphreys
Albert “Abbie” Hunt
Lynn Bogue Hunt
Doug Hyde


Francesco Icaza
Joseph Imhof
Chuck Irwin
Terry Isaac


Harry Jackson
Ned Jacob
Will James
John B Jarvis
Wiiliam Scott Jennings
Oreland Joe
Ben Johnson
Frank Tenney Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Tom Johnson Jr
Buck Jones
Dell (Odille) Jones
Jayson Jones
Jack Jordan
Lucille Joullin


Darcy Kabatoff
R. Michael Kammerer, Jr
Gary Kapp
Carl Kauba
Mike Keetch
Brian Keith
Gary Keithley
Kerry Kelley
Greg Kelsey
TD Kelsey
William Kern
Ahmad N Khan
John Kittleson
Billy Klapper
Hans Kleiber
Gene Klein
Tom Knapp
Francois Koch
W. H . Koerner
WHD Koerner
Denise Kramlich
Doug Krause
Janet Eager Krueger
Sue Krzyston


J. R Lamdin
Atanasio Larios
Frank Lawrence
Mehl Lawson
Mehl Lawson
T Allen Lawson
Ladden Ledbetter
Duke Lee
Joyce Lee
David Lemon
Emil Lenders
Maria Leyva
Star Liana York
ZS Liang
Raphael Lillywhite
Bill Linderman
Robert Lindneux
Matt Litz
Elizabeth Lochrie
Stanley Long
Ted Long
Robert Elmer Lougheed
Tom Lovell


David Manuel
David Manuel
Jan Mapes
John Norval Marchand
Jose & Vicente Mardueno
Ann Margret
Lajos Markos
Bonnie Marris
Ernie Marsh
Nancy Martiny
Steve Mason
Walter T Matia
Willliam Matthews
Curt Mattson
Ken Maynard
Frank McAtee
Frank McCarthy
Captain WJ (Bill) McDonald
Louisa McElwain
Dave McGary
Robert McGinnis
Walter McMOnies
Steve McQueen
Lon Megargee
Krystii Melanie
Jerry Metz
Eric Michaels
Eric Micheaks
Denis Milhomme
Art Miller
Jack Mitchell
Tom Mix
Frederic Kimball Mizen
Thaddeus “Tad” Mizwa
Montie Montana
Karl Moon
Jay Moore
JW Moore
Paul Moore
Francis Luis Mora
Jo Mora
Mike Morales
James Morgan
Ernie Morris
John Moyers
Terri Kelly Moyers
William Moyers
Dan Muller
Brenda Murphy
Tom Murray
SD Myres


Helmuth Naumer
Bill Nebeker
Clarence Herbert Nelson
Rock Newcomb
Dr. Harry Niblack
Gary Niblett
John Nieto
Peter Nisbet
Jim Norton
James Nottage


Black Jack O’Shea
Annie Oakley
Arvo Ojala
John Burwell (Texas Jack) Omohundro
Juliet Oriet
Luis B Ortega
Susan Osterman Kliewer
Bill Owen
Tex Owens


Thomas Padgitt
Michael Pardue
Bob Parks
Edgar Paxson
Edgar Alwin Payne
Alvin (Al) Pecetti
Sam Peckinpah
Turid Pedersen
Kevin E Peebler
Wyoming Pete
Robert Peters
Homer Pettigrew
Jacob Pfeiffer
Bud Phillips
Gordon Phillips
John Phillips
George Phippen
Slim Pickens
Bill Pickett
Pictorial Weavings Pictorial Weavings
Otto Plaug
William Pointer
Newton Porter
Howard Post
M C Poulsen
Ace Powell
David (Dave) Powell
Scott Powers
Scott Tallman Powers
Don Prechtel
Heide Presse
Clark Kelley Price
Archibald Phillip Primrose
Burt Procter (Proctor)
Alexander Phimister Proctor
Pueblo Painted Shields


Edward B Quigley


William Raffour
J. K. Ralston
Marjorie Reed
Leonard Reedy
Ace Reid
Frederic Remington
James Reynolds
Mike Richardson
RS Riddick
Cynthia Rigden
F. A. (Frank) Rinehart
Mervin Ringlero
Abraham Rios
Robert Rishell
William Ritschel
Tex Ritter
Ruth Roach
Ambrose Roanhorse
Bonita Roberts
Oral Roberts
Alan Rogers
Gene Rogers
Roy Rogers
Scott Rogers
Jeffrey Rudolph
Charles Marion Russell
Henry Ruwart
Ralph RWG
Tom Ryan


Humberto Limon Salazar
Sherry Salari Sander
Birger Sandzen
Roseta Santiago
Arthur Sarnoff
Bob & Diane Scalese
AJ Schell
Asbury Schell
Carl Schmidt
Carl Schmitt
Steve Schmitt
Rex Schnitger
Michael Schreck
Charles Schridde
Frank Schultz
Sandy Scott
Bob Scriver
Olaf Carl Seltzer
W Steve Seltzer
Joseph Henry Sharp
Dave Shelley
Al Shelton
Joseph Clinton Shepherd
Samuel Sherlock
L Ship Shee
Robert Shufelt
Donna Howell Sickles
Ken Siggins
Sammy Sisco
Adam Smith
Daniel Smith
Barney Sofro
Nathan Solano
Clemente Spampinato
Don Spaulding
Grant Speed
Joe Spiller
Martha Jane Spurlock
C Clyde Squires
Michael Srour
Dean St Clair
Linda St. Clair
Michael Stack
William Standing
Phil Starle
Ross Stefan
Charles Stobie
David Stoecklein
Ray Strang
Oleg Stravrowsky
Hugh Strickland
Mabel Strickland
Red Sublett
White Swan
Jack Swanson
Ray Swanson
James Swinnerton


Robert Tackabery
Jose M Tapia
Jose M & Jesus Tapia
Lyle Tayson
Craig Tennant
Sonya Terpening
Susan Terpning
Andy Thomas
Mark Thompson
Shirley Thomson-Smith
Nathaniel Thwing
Al Tietjen
Dickie Tignor
William Matthew Tilghman
Will Timpe
Cody Tippe
Harry Tompkins
Ernest Tonk
Margery Torrey
Gerald Transpota
Zan & Patience Traughber
Louie Traylor
T Texas Tyler


Carol Van Curler
Paul Van Dyke
Jack Van Ryder
Ed Verbell
September Vhay
Lani Vlaanderen


Marion Kavanagh Wachtel
Nate Wald
Curt Walters
Jack Ward
Joseph Thomas Ward
William Watkinds
John Wayne
Herman Wells
Friedrich Wenzel
Fritz White
Grace White
Two Guns White Calf
Gunnar Widforss
Olaf Wieghorst
Gary Wiggins
Kim Wiggins
Jim Wilcox
J R Williams
Stewart Williamson
Bruce Willis
Bob Wills
Robert Winter
Byron Wolfe
H David Wright


Russel Yates
Mabel Yorba


Daryl Zanuck
Xiang Zhang

High Noon  |  9929 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90034  |  |  (310) 202-9010

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